FLASH TANK(Gas Condensate Glycol Separator)

Gas Condensate Glycol Separator (Flash Tank)

The gas condensate glycol separator also known as flash tank or glycol gas separator. Remove gas and liquid hydrocarbons carried out the contactor by the glycol solution. The gas leaves from the top of the vessel and is vented or may be supplement to use the fuel gas required for the re-boiler.
Pressure relief valve
A pressure control valve maintains the back pressure on the vessel usually 50 to 85 psig (345 to 587 kpa) any excess gas is discharge through this back pressure valve.
Advantages of Separating of Hydrocarbons from Glycol
Separating liquid hydrocarbons from glycol before they enter the re-boiler provided several benefits.
  • Reduce load on carbon filter.
  • Prevents carbon buildup on the fire tube.
  • Prevents glycol contamination in glycol still column.
Which can result in flooding, glycol losses and possibly damage to the column.
Control Systems on Flash Tank
Two level control systems are typically installed on flash tank. 
  1. The upper system flow of liquid hydrocarbons discharge from the vessel. 
  2. The lower system regulates the flow of glycol from the vessel.


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